Sunday, August 07, 2005

Language falls short

Language I think comes from frustration. It comes from this primordial instinct in humans to congregate into "socio-dependent " masses who need to share their experiences. For example, "watch out for that boulder about to hit your head ! " is the product of one human being caring for other enough to keep him/her away from harm. An "UNH .." or "AHH ! " "GRUNT..." would just not have cut it and after about the third victim being crushed by a giant rock or eaten alive by a saber tooth, the clan/group would decide to come up with a specific symbol or gesture or sound to disctinctly convey the message to the soon-to-be victim. As and when human life became more complicated, new words were created and added to human vocabulary to express newly discovered feelings. Some of these words are so general and well known that it generates the exact same response in all human beings. For example, "killing another human being is wrong" comes from an experience of penance and guilt. The reason I know that killing is wrong is because I have thousands of years of human experience to draw on. Human beings before me have killed and society has remembered the series of unpleasent feelings triggered by those deaths for everybody involved. So after a 100 thousand years when our species talks about murder we understand each other perfectly well - it generates a singular response, unique and distinctive. In the same way there are intangible things that we feel and are totally unable to express. "Love ", I think, takes the cake for this one. Although there are similar experiences that human beings have shared while in love/what they thought was love, no one can seem to agree or zone in on that one particular response/reaction/experience that would gurantee that this could be nothing else but "Love". That is where language falls short and we need gestures, physical contact and various actions to complete the void. Holding hands, kissing, the need to make love other than reasons of pro-creation, day-dreaming about your significant other, bringing them flowers, buying them something nice, just being content to be in each other's company - all these things don't require the use of words. However, all these gestures fall short of communicating the exact feeling, the magnitude of the pleasure, the magnitude of the happiness that you are feeling and want to share with your companion. Thus the confusion, the heart break, the not knowing what to do, the trial and error of dating. I mean think about it, for a comment like, " I would never sleep with a person unless I was sure that she was the one"; Who is The One ? What are her characteristics ? What do you want to be sure of ? I guess the most common answer to all these questions would be: attachment. If I'm attached to the person at some level that is beyond the platonic concern of caring for one human as another, then it is ok to be intimate - keep in mind I'm not talking about parent/children relationships and so forth; whole other story I don't wanna get into. Attachment however, is so realtive. For some people, sex is fucking and they don't get attached at all. For others like me the story is a bit different. But anyway, I think thats rambling enough. Need to go start the day. I guess a good closing statement to the world would be, "good luck with all that ! "


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