Yesterday I received an e-mail from a friend who seems to think that my hanging up on her after being insulted is "unwarranted". Well, I did not quite know what to say to that; because it is usually in my nautre to avoid confrontation and that is why I hung up. I could've stayed on the line, waiting for the perfect comeback but I feel like I'm too old and too tired for that. Maybe 5 years ago - in high school - that was fun. But it gets to be really old, after such a long time. Anyway, she went on complaining for about two paragraphs about whether it was still worth being friends if after such a long time I cannot make out the differene between her jokes and her being serious. Because I was so seriously disgusted by the topic, and appalled by the amount of time & energy wasted on this quite sophomoric and unintelligent whining, I replied back to her in one line: Hope you vented enough. Just Chill !!
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