Friday, May 06, 2005

Moving on with life

I can't believe I'm actually graduating in a week. Who would've thought that I would actually make it through college. Man I'm growing old. I guess it never really hit me before today. As I was turning in my senior project papers and saying my goodbyes to team mates and teachers, I actually felt bad about leaving this place. Four years ago, you could not pay me enough to be here. I made some good friends (possibly for life), did some bad things, some good things, went to some classes, skipped some others, wasted some of my parents money, some of my own, and all in all had an ok time. Now it's time to move on and join the workforce, give something back to society, all that jazz. My work orientation is a week after graduation and I really hope my co-workers are cool. Working in downtown St.Louis, how bad can it be?


Blogger Little_Fury said...

just try to have fun... but not too much :P

12:34 PM  
Blogger Dipta said...

well I know work can be fun it's just that I'm going to be surrounded with old people now and that is an unsettling thought for me. Because even though I'm legally an adult I don't always act like one.

6:52 PM  

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